Our Farm



Our Farm

Tree Handling

Tree Varieties

Tree Stands



Contact Us

     We started Alexander’s Christmas Tree Farm quite by accident more than 30 years ago.   Jim has always liked trees, and had planted quite a few along one of our lanes.  Near Christmas one year, he realized that the trees were too close together, and we decided to trim a few and put a sign on the corner and sell them as Christmas trees.  We sold all the trees we had the first week-end, and decided to plant more trees.  Over the years, we’ve expanded to about 9 acres of trees, and we currently have over 5000 trees of various sizes and varieties.  


When we first started, our “sales building” was our pick-up truck, and when we added the baler, it was set up outside.  In 1992 we built our current barn, and put the baler inside, along with a tree shaker.   On certain week-ends in December, Santa himself can be found here. We have also added a tree drilling machine, which is set up outside of our sales building.  This is used to drill a hole in the trunk of the tree to facilitate the use of our new "pin" type tree stands.